POLITE NOTICE: #warning #advancenotice that the #schoolholidays for May and the #6weekholidays #summerterm (end of July to Sept) are now FULLY BOOKED! If you have not yet booked your regular apts in for those periods please let me know and I can add you to a cancellations #waitinglist ❤️ this is a #busytimeofyear with people going on holiday (including myself!) plus #weddingmakeovers #bridalmakeup #weddings already booked in. The #schoolholidays are also #precious to me for spending some #qualitytime #familytime with my #baby who is growing up way too fast now! #9thisyear 😔 appointment days are limited so please do not ask me to give up any more dates for working than those already allocated #thankyou ❤️