Lots of influential life changing things happening around us at the moment involving past work colleagues / friends / people close to our heart .......
Certainly makes you think twice about all the little things we all take for granted.
There are lots of inspirational quotes around, but as everyone knows, to make a tough subject a little lighter, I've chosen something close to my heart 😍
I would just like to wish everyone well, amidst our busy lives, remember it only takes a quick second to give someone a compliment, ask how someone is, give someone a smile, to brighten someone's day - laughter is the best medicine and can often help when times are low,.
A close friend once said to me 'you only know what a person wants you to know' and this statement is very true.
Our hearts and thoughts go out to ones who need lots of love and support in these tough times.
Live Love & Laugh ....... Life is definitely too short, there is no trial run, make the most of everyone and everything in it! ❤️