Is it seriously the 19th January??!!!??????!!!
Where has the time gone since all the festivities & celebrations!?
2017 is turning out to have an exciting and prospective start - sometimes we have to grab opportunities with both hands (recent quote from a friend!) and seize the moment.
I was recently asked (on more than one, two, three occasions) to take part in something that I felt I didn't have the expertise and confidence to do ....... and after lots of inspirational encouragement (& gentle persuasion) I thought ..... what's the worst that could happen ...... ?!
I put myself out of my comfort zone and gave it my all and am now reaping the rewards ❤
Some of you may have seen the photos added last weekend from the wedding fayre I attended and i absolutely LOVED it!
I soon got into the flow of chatting & laughing and meeting lots of lovely couples looking to plan their very special day.
I now have a meeting arranged with a bridal shop next week who have approached me as they are interested in my work!
Upon reflection I was so close to turning a blind eye and letting this opportunity pass me by ......... things happen for a reason so put yourself out there ....... who knows what's around the corner ❤